A contractor goes through the claims management process.

Claim Reporting and Claims Management Services

With an in-depth knowledge of New York Labor Law, Gramercy and its partner law firm, Congdon, Flaherty, O’Callaghan (CFO), use a proactive and comprehensive approach to ensure timely and effective claim reporting and claims management.

Claims Covered under the Gramercy Risk Management program are handled in-house by experienced Gramercy Claims professionals who are available to assist you with your claim between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm EST.

How to File a Claim

A claims report should be made as quickly as possible. The report should include the name of the insured, policy number, date of the accident, contact information, accident description, witnesses, and a list or description of damages and injuries. Sending photos with the report is encouraged.

Claims Contact:

Gramercy Risk Management, LLC
516-962-4610 (claims dial #2)

Claim Reporting:

A man writes on a claim reporting and claims management form.

What Will You Need?

Additional information will be needed, depending on the type of claim and coverage involved. For example:

Automobile Claims
  • Identity of the other vehicles and drivers
  • Police or fire report
  • Other vehicle’s insurance information
  • Identity of any passengers and witnesses
  • Driver DMV-104 report
General Liability – Construction
  • Identity of any other trades working on the site and subcontractors
General Liability – Slip and Fall
  • Firms responsible for cleaning or snow removal
  • A list of damaged or stolen property

Although we do not write workers’ compensation coverage policies, that claims information is important to our underwriting process as it may serve as an early notice of a labor law claim.

We require copies of all C-2s filed with our insured’s workers’ compensation carriers. 

Please send them via email to certificates@gramercyrisk.com. We will also be asking for workers’ compensation loss runs on a quarterly basis. It would be helpful to the claims management process if you marked your calendars to automatically request and forward them to us at certificates@gramercyrisk.com at the beginning of each quarter.

Two men shake hands after going through the claims management process.

How Can we Help?

Claims Management Process

In addition to reporting the claim as soon as possible, there are other steps you can take that will make the claims management process easier:

Call the police to report the accident

The police will document the details of the incident and record any injuries or damages.

Cooperate with your insurer

Not only is this a condition for coverage, it helps with the overall defense of the claim.

Do not speak with anyone unless you verify their identity

Only share information, provide materials or give statements to people who are from the insurer, Gramercy Risk or your broker.

Property/Auto Comprehensive and Collision Claims

Protect your property from further damage

Take reasonable steps to protect your property, including your damaged automobile, from further damage. Keep a list of expenses.

Make the damaged property available

The sooner the insurer can see the auto or property and prepare an estimate, the quicker the claim will be resolved.

Create an inventory of stolen or property

Keep an ongoing list of stolen property or property damaged in a loss.

Liability Claims

Promptly send in legal papers or documents, and indicate how and when they were received

Summons, complaints and other legal documents require a timely response.

Safeguard relevant records and documents

This includes emails, text messages, photos, work orders, meeting notes, inspection reports, contracts, certificates of insurance and other information.

Safeguard Equipment

If the accident involved equipment (such as ladders) safeguard and preserve in the event it needs to be inspected or evaluated.

Gramercy Risk provides claims management services. Contact Gramercy Risk Management directly if you have any questions.

Questions about How to File a Claim?